Quick Open source stats

93% of companies use open source for non-commercial or internal reasons


79% of companies use open source for commercial reasons


69% contribute code upstream


60% of companies have created their own open source project

Open Source licenses are legal and binding contracts between the author and the user of a software component
About us
Open Source Protector is a non profit community to protect open source projects and serve according to it's LICENSE. Thousands of talented contributors use their time and talent to form a masterpiece just for the work to be stolen? No MORE! we have a motto and that is to make sure all open source projects are being used what and how their license allows them to be used for. Let's protect open source projects using osp license!

Current contributors(Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu!)

How Can I help?
It would be great if you can help! You can help by becoming a contributor. After you become a contributor you can investigate OSP issue-reports filled by project owners and also you can verify registered projects.